Sunday, January 27, 2019

Visiting and Training

Tomorrow, Sunday, we travel to a village first by road (to the river), then by motorcycle to worship with a good friend in his community church.  This is a first with our children, so please pray with us as we go!

On Monday, in the same language community, we (Christy and three Nigerian colleagues) will start a training the language community on how to use their audio Scriptures to lead audio Bible studies.  This is a three day training.

Please pray that the participants will come every day and be inspired and motivated to begin their own audio Bible studies.  Pray that God's Word in their language touches their hearts in new ways and bears fruit!

Please pray that Zach, Mariama, and Lydia will enjoy sweet times together in the village and make new friends and special memories during the training time! 

Spotted these sweeties on the road!

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What could one verse in Ndokwa do?

I love to hear stories about God's Word changing lives.  Here in Nigeria I heard about one in a language that is a full day's journe...