Saturday, June 12, 2021

Wherever They Went

Me and Uncle Chris, my friend and fellow facilitator

 "Those who had been scattered, preached the Word wherever they went. 

Acts chapter 8 verse 4, let's sing it once more!

"Those who had been scattered, preached the Word wherever they went. 

To the school? 

Wherever they went

To the market? 

Wherever the went

On the street? 

Wherever they went

To Samaria? 

Wherever they went. 


Acts chapter 8 verse 4."   We sang as we learned the memory verse for the demonstration lesson on memorizing God's Word with joy. 

 Thank you for praying for this dynamic group of individuals.  I am always so humbled imagining them in their classrooms, doing what they've been taught, and the children experiencing God's word in new and exciting ways!  They do what I cannot do, go into their villages and many different denominations and train and teach over the years.  They can equip the next generation, the church of today and tomorrow, to build a church that is strong with a deep foundation!  It is truly thrilling.  

Saturday they learned twenty games to help review Bible stories and memorize Scripture.  They wrote their own Scripture songs, and they practiced teaching memory verses in new ways.  They received the teaching with such joy and readiness to apply it! 

Their enthusiasm was contagious as they left, and their final words of gratitude encouraging.   Praise God, and let us pray that they will be like the Acts church, preaching the Word in exciting ways wherever they go. 

Doing the motion for "Freedom to be themselves" the 7th principle for a good learning environment for students.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Teacher Training Tomorrow

I had a fantastic day.  It was full of doing things I haven't had the brain space or capacity to do in a long time! 

We have been praying for an opportunity to do a training with some seminary students on reaching children.  Tomorrow and Saturday I, Christy, will work with a yet to be determined number of students to train them alongside 3 other brothers who have rallied to make this happen.  I was almost trembling with excitement as I made the schedule after our time of review and preparation this morning!  It's so thrilling to think of helping others to be equipped to reach children!

Well, it's past midnight, and I hear a baby crying, but please pray for the facilitators, participants, and the children who will eventually be impacted by this training!  

Thank you for praying!

What could one verse in Ndokwa do?

I love to hear stories about God's Word changing lives.  Here in Nigeria I heard about one in a language that is a full day's journe...