Today feels a little more "normal." Mom and Dad have been catching up with being the time zone, etc, and now we can
really put them to work! After devotions and breakfast, Dad went to the market with Amos to buy tin for catching water off our roof (they will make a rain gutter), and Mom went to the market with Victoria, our precious house help. I can't wait to hear their stories!
After picking up Mom and Dad Yoder in Abuja, Zach was feeling very strong and healthy, but the buzz of activity has caught up to him, so he's trying to rest while everyone is out.
I, Christy, am at the office, filling our water bottles, greeting our colleagues, and catching up on small items of work. Today is 39 weeks of pregnancy completed, so we are also all waiting for a baby! Don't really know what to make of that, but I guess some adventures are just lived. Having a baby must be one of them since one can only prepare so much for a new person joining your family...permanently.
Mom and Dad are back in Africa after 32 years...they are enjoying the bougainvillea that grow all over Jos! |
We went to church on Sunday...2 hours late. For their first Sunday, the service was just the right length. No breaking tradition here, the Watkins (and Yoders) were still some of the last to round up the after church fellowship. |