Thursday, January 10, 2019


 I, Christy, looked around at four men representing those who have dug deeply and presented to God their time, energy, love, and ability for the young people of our community through the "New Year, New Life Football Tournament" during our debrief today.  Testimonies of how God worked at this four day camp in His grace and through their sacrifice kept coming.
 "This camp was not just for the kids, it was for me.  I learned how to control my temper, and it is something I'm carrying with me into this year," one of them humbly stated. They shared the comment of one participant who has been addicted to and selling drugs, "This is the first time in three years I've had three square meals a day." This guy's friend said, "I'm going to stop doing drugs when I get back home."  One mother calls Coach Adams every day since the camp saying her son has changed and thanking him for what he did before the son takes the phone from his mother and says, "Coach!  When are we going back to camp?"
Sports Friends International really pulled through with a strong team to run the camp!
 The Coach from Sports Friends International said, "I knew it was a success when no one wanted to go home." Another coach added, "The guys who I thought didn't want to be there, who showed no sign of enjoyment, on the last night were begging me for another week.  They want to keep training with me." Still another said, "I was amazed how these athletes from different backgrounds were contributing during devotions.  It was really great how they were really touched!"

As I see the participants in the community, I ask them, "How was camp?" Their broad smiles say more than their words do.  Their highlights include the movies (Queen of Katwe and Facing the Giants), exercising to music, learning new songs, and the food.  One camper responded when I asked him what he learned, "I learned to encourage my friends when they fall down and help them get back up." Another girl said, "We learned to exercise to music.  On the last day we were all just dancing!"
We praise God for his VICTORY!  He has shown himself so faithful, redeeming and multiplying the small effort we were able to put in.  He brought the busses, coaches, sound equipment, finances, Sports Friends, venue, and athletes.  He gave immense measures of grace, patience, and strength on the part of everyone contributing!  Seven young people gave their lives to Christ and many more recommitted themselves.
Pray for these young athletes.  Pray that the enemy would not steal what has been planted, and that God will send more people to invest in their lives and disciple them!  Pray for what we are supposed to do with the interest and relationships that have been developed!  Pray that the coaches that invested their time will get better trained to disciples these young athletes to love Christ and find their victory in him. 

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