Sunday, August 6, 2017

Mommy, Where Are We Going?

--> I’ve just packed up our two green suitcases for the third time and we head out on the road for our next Vacation Bible School.  I hear from the back seat a sweet voice speaking clear English asking, “Mommy, a going?”, which I understand as, “Mommy, where are we going?”  It tugged at my heart, and I wanted to stop the car, and hug my little resilient missionary girl.

What a trooper.  Mariama has been in three states, four countries, and slept in eight different houses (including a tent) in the last three weeks.  She has met 11 cousins, 13 blood related aunties and uncles, and dozens other aunties and uncles from Indiana to Michigan to New York.  She has played with lots of new children in church nurseries and homes across those states.  She listened to a dozen new songs and clapped along with me, doing the motions that I would soon be doing in front of a mob of enthusiastic children as she watches me from the crowd. Our prayers for Mariama, that God would help her in these transitions have been answered in a lot of special ways, including us learning how to prepare her to meet new people, wonderful hosts loving her by buying special treats and playing with her, and learning how to nap on the go.

Our lovely, artistic host "Auntie Julie" showing us her garden.

We will probably get asked this question again on Monday morning as we pack up once again.  This is what I will say, every step along the way, as we head to the next days destination.

1.     We’re going to New York City to celebrate Daddy’s birthday!
2.     We’re going to Pennsylvania to visit our friends!
3.     We’re going to Schenectedy to visit a friend!
4.     We’re going back to Pastor Al’s house in upstate New York!
5.     We’re going back to Grandma Jane’s house in Rochester!
6.     We’re going back to Nana’s house in Michigan!
7.     We’re going camping with Nana and Papa!
8.     We’re going to Orlando, Florida!
9.     We’re going to Ft. Meyers, Florida!
10. We’re going to Cape Coral, Florida!
11. We’re going to Nana’s house.
12. We’re going to Grammy’s house.
13. We’re going to Nana’s house.
14. We’re going to have a baby!
15. We’re going to celebrate Christmas somewhere!
16. We’re going back to Nigeria!

If, while we’re going to one of these places, you are on the way and you want your house to be one of the answers to this destination question, “Where are we going?”, send us an email and let us know!

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Go Away!

T here were children. Always so many children. Our children are a magnet for other children and so everywhere we go, they follow us giggling...