Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Dear Friend

We’ve walked different roads, but found ourselves in a Thai restaurant talking about a similar struggle.  The need to hunger for God, and the lack of that desire that must be stirred in us to do the hard things that he’s calling us to do.  I treasure this friendship that spurs me on toward love and good deeds.  It is a rare friend when, in her own struggle, can call out the woman she sees in you and spark her back to life.  I feel that person, the one that I wanted to be, the one that this friend saw in me even as a child, rising up to be victorious again.  How does she do it? The same way every great woman does, she sees beauty and calls it out. What a treasure. 

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Go Away!

T here were children. Always so many children. Our children are a magnet for other children and so everywhere we go, they follow us giggling...