Monday, September 7, 2015

Scripture Listening and Reading. . . at home

Daso, Mariama, and Zach
We teach others how to do Scripture Listening and Reading Groups in their own language.  But are we listening to the Scripture ourselves?

Christy, Mariama, and Daso
In an earlier blog post I asked for prayer that I would be having more Bible intake.  I just want to thank you for praying and share briefly what God has been doing.

Around the time Falaka and her two children came to visit, we started reading a Psalm each evening, talking about our highlights for the day and praying together.  Then a few days ago, we replaced the Psalm with listening to about half a chapter twice, interspersed with a set of reflective questions:

* What was interesting?
* What was confusing?
* What did you learn about God?
* What is God saying to the people in the passage?
* What is God saying to us?
* What will you do, now that you have heard?

Salama, Daso, and Zach at a pool
We memorized these questions by teaching them to ourselves orally and repeating them with hand motions (Christy's creativity at its best!)  Now each night we have been enjoying the sweetness of reflecting on God's word, often from the writings of the Apostle John.

Thank you for praying with us and keep praying that we feed daily on his Word!

P. S. If you want to do your own Scripture Listening and Reading in your home, you can get free audio Bibles online (e.g.,,, including apps for your phone that will allow you to download Audio Scripture.

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