Thursday, June 15, 2017

New Ministry Partners!

The elder (left; he's an elder in his church)
It is hard to believe that the month of Discipleship Ministry Partner Development is almost over.  At the end of the first week I asked you to pray for the people we met on our first appointment, an elder and a seminary student.  God answered our prayers, and they agreed to be monthly financial ministry partners!  Not only that, on the same day we had a third person join our ministry team unexpectedly!  We had arranged to meet him the next day, but when he saw us on Thursday he joined for the appointment as well and also joined the team!

Our surprise ministry partner and his wife (middle)
Since then we have met with about 250 people, and many of them have agreed to be ministry partners as well.  Thank God!  Everyone we met seemed thrilled to meet us, and many said things like “your visit is an answer to prayer” or “I really appreciate you coming by!”  Many have given us the names and numbers of those we can meet, so we still have many in Jos who we can share with about the great need right here in Nigeria for language development and Bible translation.

The seminary student (by my left) and some of his family
Please pray with us on Friday and Monday, the last two days we will go for appointments before the end of the training.  Each of our new missionary colleagues has booked two appointments on Friday and three appointments on Monday.  This means in just two days, we hope to still meet another 55 people!  Please pray for each of these people, that they also will appreciate our visits, that they will be bold to commit to monthly financial partnership, that they will feel free to give us the contact information for others we can meet, and that they will be faithful in their commitments!

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Go Away!

T here were children. Always so many children. Our children are a magnet for other children and so everywhere we go, they follow us giggling...