Wednesday, November 4, 2020
What to pray for: Prayer (3 of 3)
Monday, November 2, 2020
We expect our Visa applications for Acacia and Olivia are now in the embassy in New York.
Pray that they'll come in time for our departure at the end of this month!
Make Up or Make Over
This morning I woke up with 25 minutes to get my family out the door to church.
groggily sat up and started doing his Bible memory verses. I
protested, "Honey, we have 25 minutes!" I left him in the bedroom,
feeling a bit annoyed as I headed toward the sounds of my happy little
girls who needed dressing and hair brushing. Ten minutes later, I got
my African dress on I had reserved for the conference and quickly
reminded my husband working on his memory verses that we now had 15
minutes before we needed to leave, once again leaving in a huff.
As my mostly dressed children were eating breakfast, I put on some blush over pale cheeks and reached for the mascara. At that moment a question pricked my heart. "Why do you think that you putting on make up prepares you better to go to church than Zach memorizing verses from Matthew?"
Point taken. My husband was focused on preparing the
place where love, joy, power, and peace flow from a satisfied-in-Christ
heart. I too often am focused on the things in the periphery of the
heart of God. When I think of my little girls and those observing my
life, where do I want them to put their most devoted attention, invest
their most precious moments of demanding days? I would really love to
say with Paul, "Follow me as I follow Christ," instead of "Follow Daddy
'cause he is following Christ." I want them to see me investing in the
things that last forever because only those things bring true joy and
What could one verse in Ndokwa do?
I love to hear stories about God's Word changing lives. Here in Nigeria I heard about one in a language that is a full day's journe...
I love to hear stories about God's Word changing lives. Here in Nigeria I heard about one in a language that is a full day's journe...
"For it is by grace, you have been saved..." sing Auntie Blessing and the 70 children in the afternoon group with their hands rai...
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