Storytime with Zach

But I quickly slipped outside to our display at the entrance. Several people were looking at our banner
with all the languages that have some portion of Scripture translated
already. I wanted to engage them in
discussion so they could learn more about the importance of Bible translation.

Sadly, he didn’t have space on his memory card, but I soon
found myself putting audio Scriptures on many others’ phones in their
languages. It “just happened” that we
had a stack of papers along with us with questions for leading an audio Bible
study on them. I had more than enough to
give one to each person who collected the Scriptures.
Two or three hours passed so quickly I hardly noticed. For this one, I sent Scriptures through an
app on my phone. For that one, I explained
that Bible translation is just starting and they should try hard to find out
who is doing it and encourage them. For
the next one, I demonstrated how to use a solar-powered audio Bible
device. For the yet another one, I made
a call to find out the price of a Bible we had brought for display, but decided
to sell instead. I felt surprised. I had
just come to watch a short presentation, but here I was surrounded by a crowd
of people, helping them all to access Bibles in their own languages.
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