Friday, November 24, 2017

Lydia...Purple Baby

We didn't give her the name Lydia because she came out clothed in purple hues, but because we admire that purple cloth seller in the Bible.  Lydia was in Philippi and had found her way to the river where she, a Gentile, was worshiping God with other women.  How do we know she was there?  Paul saw her, and told her about the "Life that was the LIGHT of all man kind." She believed in Him, and opened up her home to the new body of Christ that was being established in Philippi.

I see Lydia as:
Industrious- She was a merchant...a seller of purple cloth
Hospitable- She invited Paul and his companions into her home
Proactive- She believed and she was baptized
Influential and Respected- She and her whole household were baptized
Sensitive- She heard the truth and she knew it was true
Countercultural- She was worshiping God as a gentile...doing what she knew was right even if others might have told her this God wasn't for HER to worship
Spiritual- She was a worshiper of God
Natural- She was worshiping by the river
A Traveler- She was not in her hometown, but in Philippi...and quite at home there!

Like Lydia, we are gentiles, and like Lydia, we believe that Jesus is the life, the life that is the light of all men.  We pray our Lydia will be everything God has intended for her to be!

Welcome, Lydia!


What is partnership?
When you could be doing your new puzzle or practicing the piano or watching a murder mystery or drinking diet Dr. Pepper but you're stuffing envelopes for your sister and her husband who work in Nigeria!
When you could use the money you make from cleaning stairwells in apartment buildings to buy music, movies, and drinks you love, but you're sending some to Wycliffe every month to be part of what's happening.
When your sister comes home from Nigeria and you make her feel loved by talking about the special things you've done together.
Refusing to eat dinner until you've prayed and thanked God for your sister at the dinner table.

We've had an outpouring of love since we've been in the United States, and my sister Leah is one of the many who have taken the time to refresh our hearts.  If you get a newsletter in the mail, Leah is the one who makes it happen. Three years younger than I am, Leah has been my own personal cheerleader at every event, and now in every season of my life. We are thankful for each person who's partnered with us in their own unique way over the years.


What could one verse in Ndokwa do?

I love to hear stories about God's Word changing lives.  Here in Nigeria I heard about one in a language that is a full day's journe...