Twice a year, I get a chance to just sit back and listen as our staff
give updates on victories and challenges they are facing as they
progress in learning about languages, developing alphabets, training
teachers, and translating the Bible. It is so moving to hear of
breakthroughs mixed with serious challenges. Back in March and April, I
jotted down notes of things I saw God doing. Thank God with me for
these things!
Over the years I have had the opportunity to sit with
many pastors and hear about the challenging choices they make. Often
the people in their church come from several different languages,
language communities, leading pastors and/or church leaders to perceive
that a language of wider communication is the only available choice to
bring unity for most church activities. Regrettably these can become
instead languages of “wilder confusion” for many in the church—often the
majority—especially women and children. I heard of many churches that
have chosen to do the Bible reading in the newly translated Gospel of
Luke in their language. In another language, people are requesting
entire mother-tongue services. Praise God for this gift of understanding!
Sharing good things God has done
many areas, we heard about challenges with kidnapping and insecurity.
These realities make it difficult for people to meet together—a key part
of effective work. In one of these places a special Bible study was
prepared to go along with the recently translated book of Jonah. People
had Bible studies from this book in January. I can only imagine the
impact of God’s mercy on the wicked Ninevites will have had on these
small groups. Praise God for his
mercy and compassion!
Staff think and plan together
of the sad experiences we have faced is that often in churches—the very
place where we should expect God’s love—we hear statements of hate from
one people group against another. How are these people supposed to
know God’s love if not through us, his people? I have seen in one
individual after another express openness to accept this wrong and a
willingness to change.
Thank God and pray for
more love! At the same time, we hear of over
500 audio Bible study groups happening in one of these people groups that has received hate.
Thank God for his Word that speaks!
Our experiences encourage each other
different areas I have heard about challenges people have in reading
because of complex tones or the subtle meanings of small words. I heard
stories of progress in studying these complex issues. In many places I
also heard about churches and government schools teaching children and
adults to read in their own language. Praise God for this gift that
should bring
deeper learning and change to many areas of life!
We will get to meet again soon and share about the joys and struggles. Please pray that God will
encourage our hearts and use this coming together to
open doors in places where colleagues may feel “stuck”.