Our Father's day began at 5:15am when we woke up to prepare for sharing at Aunty Victoria's church. We had known about the event coming up, but planning just hadn't happened until Sunday morning.
Thankfully, the night's sleep had erased the traces of pumpkin brain (this happens to Zach around 9pm) and impatient "I'm-tired-too-so-deal-with-it-and-let's-get-this-thing-sorted" me, and we were now cleaned up and happy to be doing life together. Amazing how that works!
By 7:40am we were mostly planned, and out the door...with all three children! Amazing how that worked!
After two church services, where we took the sermon time, and Scripture sharing afterward, we felt exhilarated and thankful to be in this country, with such diverse, accepting people. The pastor who had invited us said, "I often ask those who speak my language to stay after, and they never do. Today, though, I could see it in their eyes, what you said touched them. There were 30 people gathered around him after church to talk about how to begin using the Bible in their language. They invited us back for a two day seminar on audio Bible studies.
Pastor Sunday who invited us to his church. |
This picture shows the highlight of my day. Zach asked everyone who had the Bible in their language to stand up. Aunty Victoria, in white on the right, proudly raised her Bible up over her head, as though she carried the Olympic torch. She is still learning to read it, but as a deep woman of faith, she knows the treasure she holds in her hand.
People sing answer my call, "Who has your sword?" "I have my sword" "What is your sword? "The Word of God!" |
We went home and I got busy on our evening pumpkin soup meal that Zach had chosen when I realized two burners had been left on and there was no cooking gas. We ordered Indian (which happens to be just around the corner. While Zach and Daso went to pick it up, I made a card prepared the table outside, and placed our family pictures around so we could each present to Daddy what we loved about him.
Celebrating Father's is great, especially when we consider we have been made heirs with Christ, that our Father invites us to abide in him and bear fruit, and then reveals the harvest field that he's prepared. What a rich existence it is, remaining in this Fatherly love. Thankful for this Father's day that reminded us of so many things we love about our heavenly Father.
Sharing audio Scripture to people's phones. |
Mariama asked for a picture with her friends. |
Aunty Victoria with Mariama |
Mariama made some new friends at church! |
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