Thursday, December 31, 2015

When you don't hear from us . . .

It has been about a month since I last wrote a post. I wish I had written more often, but what do you think and pray about when you pray for us at times when you haven’t heard from us

If I were you, at first I would keep on praying for the most striking prayer request that I prayed for last time I got an update any time it came to mind.  Then, it starts to feel repetitive, so I pray less and less.  The busy world around me catches my attention and other pressing needs of immediate life takes my attention, both for prayer and action.  I assume I’ll get another update, soon, especially if there are any pressing needs.

But the reality is that when I should write the most, sometimes I don’t manage to write anything at all.  Maybe I am so busy that I keep saying “I’ll write a prayer update in the next couple of days.”  Or maybe I am feeling a bit down, and it is hard to come up with the right words to inspire faith-filled prayer.   Or maybe I’ve become distracted from the things that are most important—like prayer . . . and prayer updates.  Of course, at these times of silence, I need prayer all the more!

I don’t need, or expect, all of you reading this to commit to pray for us every day.  But some of you have told me that you do pray every day, or once a week, or otherwise regularly for us.  For those who do, here are some ideas for prayers (and actions!) when you don’t hear from us.


  • For wisdom and Christ-like humility at home, in our community, and at work
  • For courage and hope to keep on pressing on, regardless of whether I see the fruit of my work for the Lord
  • For focus, to keep on working for the Lord, not to be tempted by distractions.
Contact us!

  • Write us and share about your own life (including how we can pray for you)
  • Ask how you can pray for us today
  • Call us to greet!  In Nigeria I have learned the joy of a phone call just to say “hi”.  It doesn’t even have to last more than two minutes.  If you use Skype or Google Talk, you can call our Nigerian phones us for quite reasonable rates (and we don’t pay anything!).

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Go Away!

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