Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A growing baby, a growing love.

I always thought of the “wave” as an activity for a crowd, but these days, the wave is experienced by me and baby, alone on a quiet afternoon when I’ve heeded the warning of my friends to rest.  My heart swells, moved with love for the little being growing in me.  I look at my siblings children and can’t imagine more beautiful small people. Then I consider that I value uniqueness so very much, and our baby will be the unique combination of Zach and myself, designed by the Master, with quirks all his/her own!     

Little one in me, I think of you all day long,
I encourage your kicks, write you a song.
I pray for you because I see the hurt here,
I must entrust you to God, without fear.
He’s allowed you to grow seven months in me,
What a grace, what kind of mother will I be?
“You’ll be great!”  “A wonderful mom!” folks say,
You will change me, when you come on that day.
My identity, my thoughts, my calling will be new,
I cannot promise I’ll be great, but what is true,
I will give you to God, day after day, all your life,
I’ll applaud your efforts in joy and strife,
I will give you what God has give to me,
A love that is from Him, wild and free.
I don’t know what form that love will take,
I don’t know what kind of sacrifice we will make,
But I know it will seem, a drop in a stream,
A overwhelming love in my heart’s eye gleam.

Is this how my God treasures me?
Am I being given new eyes to see,
A mother’s love, one that transforms,
Sheltering another from life’s storms,
Applauding each success,
Expecting the best
“Little one in me, I think of you all day long?
Encouraging my heart, singing me a song?”
Is this how my God thinks of me?

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