- Zach as he finishes this intensive month of helping with the Partnership Development training for our Nigerian colleagues.
- Christy, that she stays healthy (no malaria), and learns to rest a bit more.
- Baby, that she will grow strong inside of Christy, and that we have peace about a doctor and where to birth the baby.
- For the Scripture engagement team as we prepare to jumpstart new strategies in September when our colleagues have reached their financial need quota.
- For our Nigerian Missionary Staff (NMS) that they will learn of God’s faithfulness in the next few months to provide their every need, and will be bold in sharing the vision and inviting others to join them financial and prayerfully in mission.
- That we will have wisdom in our anchor project in our community (read below).
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Praying for Us
Anchor Project
We have now lived in Hwolshe for two years, having rented
the house for three.
In the Scripture engagement movement in Wycliffe, there is a
lack of understanding as to how to use mother tongue Scriptures in multilingual
churches in urban areas. One of our
goals is to intentionally visit churches with the hope of sharing with them a
vision for using Scripture effectively in the church. How do we do it? That is the question we are asking God. What is God’s heart for these multilingual
In a recent conversation with a sincere Pastor from our
community he shared that English had been chosen by the congregation because
they “like” the language, not that they understand it necessarily. This too, is important, that the language
used is prestigious, but not as important as it being a meaningful medium to
communicate the message God has for his people. What is our part in partnering with churches
in our community to see this happening?
The ongoing ministry that happens in our home is welcoming
children on a weekly basis. Christy
often leads this with a time of learning phonics and looking at books, followed
by a Scripture lesson and Scripture songs (which the children have been writing
themselves, another exciting Scripture engagement activity). Most recently parents have also been in our
home for various visits, a meeting that was held a few weeks ago, and most
recently the “Beautiful Me” program with mothers and daughters from the
community. There is so much that we can
do, but we want to do it with the
community, and most importantly, with God’s leading.
We are a bit overwhelmed as we consider how to continue,
what to share in churches, and where God is leading. Please pray for us.
In My Weakness
Zach has testified that being sick for over a week was a
powerful reminder that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. Along with weakness comes worry that the
reality of today, may become that of tomorrow.
Thoughts of cerebral malaria or an unknown sickness taking over his
body, increased his dependence on the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.
He found himself awake one morning around 2am, enjoying God’s
presence in a new way as he sensed God singing over him, “In the day I feel
your love, and at night, you sing to me” from Psalm 42. Also
during this time God called him back into intimate relationship with himself
that Zach had been longing for. It has
been precious to see how this has born fruit in our times with God
together. We don’t ask for sickness, but
of all the outcomes of a sickness, this is surely the greatest one, a better
understanding of God’s strength and presence with us.
Zach is now back to work with the Nigerian missionaries as
they raise support to continue the work God has called him to do. It is a fruitful and rewarding, though
extremely intense time. Please do
continue to pray for them and their families.
For health, good communication, and much joy as they see that God is
their Providing God!
Beautiful Me
“You knit me together in my mother’s womb, I am beautifully
and wonderfully made.” –Psalm 139
Ten young girls and eight mothers were expected at the
“Beautiful Me” event being held at “Auntie Christy’s” in Hwolshe on Friday
night. (Unfortunately our photography
was not available to film this monumental event) As usual, the event started a
bit late, and Auntie Christy was
wondering if all the planning had been in vain.
However, by 7pm (starting time 5), ten girls and seven mothers had
arrived, and were dancing in a circle
playing a game together…probably for the first time. From all the interviews I’ve held, my
Nigerian informants have all stated that mothers and daughters rarely have a
gentle, loving relationship that reflects God’s care and mutual concern. This event was a gentle 3-year unfolding of
ideas that met true needs both seen and felt in the Hwolshe community. Most of these girls began coming to Auntie
Christy and Uncle Zaka’s house three years ago when they held a movie night in
their home. They were young, giggly
girls then, who have grown into young women.
To see mother’s and daughters planting flowers to represent
a new growth in their relationship and the girls holding hands with their
mother’s declaring, “You are beautifully made,” with big smiles on their faces
were highlights of the evening.
The participants were challenged through demonstrations,
skits, the Bible story of Esther, songs, and testimonies of how to perceive
beauty, and how to become inwardly beautiful.
This is hopefully the first of a monthly event where girls and their
mothers join hands to walk forward into a brighter future where God ministers
to them through each other and where they can see their value in His eyes.
Around 10am the next morning, after a pancake breakfast and
a devotion from Philipians 4:4-8, ten beautiful young women could be seen
leaving Auntie Christy and Uncle Zaka’s house with flower pots on their
Oh, may they grow more in love with Jesus, allowing His
beauty to transform them from within.
A growing baby, a growing love.
I always thought of the “wave” as an activity for a crowd,
but these days, the wave is experienced by me and baby, alone on a quiet
afternoon when I’ve heeded the warning of my friends to rest. My heart swells, moved with love for the
little being growing in me. I look at my
siblings children and can’t imagine more beautiful small people. Then I
consider that I value uniqueness so very much, and our baby will be the unique
combination of Zach and myself, designed by the Master, with quirks all his/her
Little one in me, I think of you all day long,
I encourage your kicks, write you a song.
I pray for you because I see the hurt here,
I must entrust you to God, without fear.
He’s allowed you to grow seven months in me,
What a grace, what kind of mother will I be?
“You’ll be great!” “A
wonderful mom!” folks say,
You will change me, when you come on that day.
My identity, my thoughts, my calling will be new,
I cannot promise I’ll be great, but what is true,
I will give you to God, day after day, all your life,
I’ll applaud your efforts in joy and strife,
I will give you what God has give to me,
A love that is from Him, wild and free.
I don’t know what form that love will take,
I don’t know what kind of sacrifice we will make,
But I know it will seem, a drop in a stream,
A overwhelming love in my heart’s eye gleam.
Is this how my God treasures me?
Am I being given new eyes to see,
A mother’s love, one that transforms,
Sheltering another from life’s storms,
Applauding each success,
Expecting the best
“Little one in me, I think of you all day long?
Encouraging my heart, singing me a song?”
Is this how my God thinks of me?
Friday, May 8, 2015
God of contacts!
Here are just three testimonies:
[The following is Zach’s
paraphrase of her testimony on Wednesday.
Understand that each night this week we have never gone home before 9pm, often later.]
Last night I stayed up until about 2:30am.
So when it was time for break, I was feeling very tired. I thought maybe I would just lie down on a
couch and rest. Then I remembered the
lesson we had shared about how to ask for contacts. I knew I had only about thirty contacts, so I
just decided to try to go out and call one or two people for a few
minutes. By the end of the break, God
had given me all my contacts!
Praise the God of Contacts with us!
Last night when I went home I met my wife. I was feeling so tired. Then my wife shared with me that she had
found several contacts for me, so now my list of contacts was complete! At that my tiredness left me and I was just
Praise the God of Contacts with us!
Believe it or not, Jeremiah
is getting married on tomorrow. Perhaps
that doesn’t seem so surprising until you realize that he agreed to still fully
participate in this thirty-day training, taking only two days leave (today and
Monday). The rest of the thirty days he
plans to be present from 7:45am
until we close at 9pm. Talk about a commitment to this ministry!
Yesterday while half of our colleagues were out on an
appointment with a potential ministry partner, I asked those who were still
here, “Does anyone still need to get more contacts?” Jeremiah
responded, and we went out and sat under a mango tree to make some calls

The uncle started
listing names and phone numbers. Jeremiah wrote them, carefully getting all the
details we need to know (like what city they live in). Line and after line the Uncle kept giving
names and numbers. When he was done Jeremiah had the names and numbers of sixteen people
in front of him—and he only knew three of them.
After he hung up he smiled, and we started praising God. Jeremiah
just praised God with four simple words “The God of Contacts!”
Praise the God
of Contacts with us!
First week of training
Right now, as I write the post, several of my colleagues are
out on their second observation of a real appointment with a potential ministry
partner. I write from the hall where we
study, work, pray, worship and eat. It
is hard to believe that we have only been in this room for five days now. It feels like almost two weeks considering
all that we have experienced so far!
Here are some quick praise and prayer items:
- Praise God that all but one of the trainees has their minimum of forty contacts (all people they don’t know!)
- Praise God for his encouragement in the first two appointments yesterday—the response of the individuals was very positive and the trainees felt they learned a lot from the experience.
- Thank God for the sacrifice of two experienced Nigerian missionaries who are teaching us what they know about ministry partner development. Praise God for how he has faithfully provided for them! Their stories encourage us!
- Praise God for a successful first calling night. It was a bit rough and unexpected things happened in many of the calls—which is just what we wanted because it was a great learning experience. Also, nine of the ten who were making calls that night have set an appointment for Monday.
- Please pray for the people our colleagues will meet for the first time on the Monday appointments—their first ever PD appointments with this new program. Pray for the wisdom and peace for our colleagues. Ask God to make these appointments not only good learning opportunities, but that these people will become ministry partners!
- Pray for the ten to fifteen appointments we hope to make daily. Pray for God to prepare these peoples hearts to embrace the vision for Bible translation, to encourage our mission, and even to become ministry partners with us through prayer and finances.
- Pray for our colleagues as they have many assignments, including memorizing and getting used to making calls and giving appointments.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Nigerian Missionaries!

Who are we, the seventeen?
Eleven Nigerian missionary staff, two coaches, three mentors, and one
person to keep the details straight.
(I’m one of the mentors)
We are going to be calling people daily arranging to meet
with them. When we meet with them we
will share how God has saved us and how we got into the ministry of Bible
translation, and about all the exciting things he is doing in the various areas
of Bible translation—survey, entho-arts, literacy, linguistics, translation,
Scripture engagement, vernacular media services and so forth. Then each Nigerian missionary will invite the
person we are meeting with to become a ministry partner with them, investing in
prayer and finances.
How do we feel? Nervous, excited, confused, and
hopeful. All of this is more than we can
do by our strength, but we know God can make it work. So . . .
Please, please, please join
us in prayer! I have been sensing
the need for you all to stand with us in prayer more and more over the last six
weeks as we prepared for this program. Somehow until today, I just couldn’t find the
time and words (and internet connection) to get this blog post together!
Please pray:
For courage
For us to learn
from God what he wants to teach us
For each of us to sense God’s leading and calling to this
For six wives (and three fiancées) to feel encouraged and part of this process
For boldness for the fellow Christians we meet
For this “new idea” of Nigerian-sent
missionaries (though it isn’t really new) to
be accepted by the Nigerian church
For each of us to understand the program enough to be able to teach each other in the
For me specifically as a mentor to have wisdom
from God for what I say and do
For all of us to feel supported and loved by our
whole group as they go through the process.
That God will give them hope.
That God will provide the finances needed
That many will catch the vision and see the need
for Bible translation.
That God’s people in Nigeria will rise to the
challenge of taking ownership of Bible translation in the country.
That our faith in God will increase in the
challenges and in the successes
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