Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Car, The Sheep, and The Man Selling Traditional Medicine

Zach was backing out of a tight spot on a narrow road in downtown Jos.  He slowly closed the gap as he backed out between our car and the cars parked on the other side of the road.  Casually, as the city continued flowing around our car, he said, "Well, there was enough space for the car, the sheep, and the man selling traditional medicine to pass."

I thought this was a good picture of our lives, and currently there are three big things that need to pass in the small space of two months. 

1.  "The Car"- Monday morning, we'll hop in a car and head to a part of the country where we are considering working in the future.  Going with us will be our three girls and a lovely young woman from the States who is here to explore working together with us in the future.  We are traveling to some very remote areas and seeking God's direction. Pray with us for good connections, discernment, and sweet fellowship with each other and those on the field.

2. "The Sheep"- A group from Zach's home church is coming mid-June to encourage our Nigerian Staff. This special group includes his parents!  Pray with us for the logistics and for the Nigerian staff to be encouraged through their presence here. Pray for them as they prepare and think about how they will serve our community through talks on parenting, bike workshop, and homestays.

3.  "Man Selling Tradition Medicine"-  There will be a tearing and a healing needing to happen in our home in the next couple of months. Daso finishes school mid-July and then will transition back to life with her family in a city a full day's journey from Jos.  She has lived with us for 4 years.  Most of my experience as a mother includes Daso and Mariama growing together in their own unique stages. Daso has become a beautiful young lady. She will return to her family to start secondary school.  This reuniting with her family has been the plan for a long time, and she is looking forward to it but we will all miss each other.  Pray with us for Daso, that she will know how much God loves her and how deeply we love her, and for all of our family, that we will know God's peace, healing, and comfort.

Ending July we will head to the States where we will witness the marriage of Zach's sister, and spend time with our loved ones before returning in October to Nigeria.

What could one verse in Ndokwa do?

I love to hear stories about God's Word changing lives.  Here in Nigeria I heard about one in a language that is a full day's journe...